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Welcome. Here you can listen to and read over 100 first-hand accounts of the horrific conditions of pretrial caging in Texas jails from 90 people caged in nine different county jails during COVID.

Each square represents one of these people. Click on a square to learn more about who they are and hear directly from them and their loved ones — through video, audio, letters, grievance forms, and transcripts. On the top right of the page, you can also choose to filter the witness statements by County, Condition, and type of Media and/or just type in keywords to search through all of the content.

Please take care as you interact with and listen to these stories. The content will feature subjects that many will find difficult — including confinement, medical neglect, and death.

Donnie P.
Donnie P.
Eastland County, Erath County
Donnie P.
Eastland County, Erath County
Darren H.
Darren H.
Harris County
Darren H.
Harris County
Adrienne C.
Adrienne C.
Harris County
Adrienne C.
Harris County
Roxanne B.
Roxanne B.
Harris County
Roxanne B.
Harris County
Joe R.
Joe R.
Victoria County
Joe R.
Victoria County
Jason G.
Jason G.
Harris County
Jason G.
Harris County
If you put in a request to see the doctor, it takes about a month. If you’re sick, you either have to doctor yourself, or they’ll put you down in a holding cell.
Rita M.
Rita M.
Harris County
Rita M.
Harris County
As humble people we refrain from asking for help we fight thru the experience and come out with strength. In my case I know I need help because I wouldn’t keep coming back if I didn’t.
Valerie V.
Valerie V.
Harris County
Valerie V.
Harris County
Anthony C.
Anthony C.
Harris County
Anthony C.
Harris County
It has been 6 almost 7 months since I have seen my baby boy due to visitation being cancelled. I know I’m a man and in society a man is not supposed to show emotions and feelings for the most part. But I miss my baby boy and the thought of him growing up without me hurts me to my core.
Lance H.
Lance H.
Taylor County
Lance H.
Taylor County
We all have family in this world that has taken such a drastic change. We see the news, and watch the numbers rising. So naturally we begin to ask questions of our safety from this deadly virus
Malik J.
Malik J.
Harris County
Malik J.
Harris County
Matthew J.
Matthew J.
Harris County
Matthew J.
Harris County
Marlene R.
Marlene R.
Harris County
Marlene R.
Harris County
When I arrived in the Harris county jail, I seen medical, but did not see mental health right away. I had to wait until I actually had a suicide attempt. I finally received the right medication for my mental health.
Priscilla C.
Priscilla C.
Harris County
Priscilla C.
Harris County
I hear voices and see things sometimes. They have yet to take me off my meds or switch me to another medication. Im currently waiting on an adjustment. Until then I pray and meditate. I mean what else can I do?
Joshua T.
Joshua T.
Harris County
Joshua T.
Harris County
We haven’t had any cleaning supplies for a few days. We can’t even get a mop and broom to clean up. Several of us have been sick. It’s been really stressful for a lot of us in here.
Gina A.
Gina A.
Harris County
Gina A.
Harris County
It’s been hard being here with no family. My family passed away I only have my older sister but due to COVID, she has her own issues with 5 kids. I hope and pray my letter finds you in the best of health.
Kevin B.
Kevin B.
Victoria County
Kevin B.
Victoria County
I am writing in hope that you may be able to assist me.
Daryl H.
Daryl H.
Harris County
Daryl H.
Harris County
To me it seems like you’re convicting me already before I’ve been tried.
Mitchell K.
Mitchell K.
Taylor County
Mitchell K.
Taylor County
I’m not getting my much needed and necessary medications. I was told by jail staff that my meds are too expensive and I had to pay for them myself. In the outside world I receive services, but they won’t service me while I’m incarcerated. I have medicare, but can’t use it while in jail either! I’m stressed over my current untreated health status and fearful of dying everyday.
Justin M.
Justin M.
Harris County
Justin M.
Harris County
They aren’t going to take this seriously until people start dying.
Shawn H.
Shawn H.
Harris County
Shawn H.
Harris County
Justin K.
Justin K.
Smith County
Justin K.
Smith County
Harris County
Harris County
Michael S.
Michael S.
Smith County
Michael S.
Smith County
Keith G.
Keith G.
Dallas County
Keith G.
Dallas County
Cameron C.
Cameron C.
Harris County
Cameron C.
Harris County
There’s 28 people in here. They came and tested us but nobody knows about their results.
Joyce C.
Joyce C.
Harris County
Joyce C.
Harris County
They were feeding us cold meals and it wasn’t holding me over because I’m a diabetic.
James B.
James B.
Gregg County
James B.
Gregg County
We have no access to “music” which has a huge impact on inmate mental health. We have no handheld radios on commissary or anything.
Marvin D.
Marvin D.
Victoria County
Marvin D.
Victoria County
Every time I go to medical asking for a COVId-19 test because my head hurts, cold chills all the time, can’t b[reathe], the doctor tells me I’m ok, it’s just a cold and it’s all in my head, I’m overthinking it.
Nicole A.
Nicole A.
Harris County
Nicole A.
Harris County
Nicholas H.
Nicholas H.
Harris County
Nicholas H.
Harris County
Christina A.
Christina A.
Harris County
Christina A.
Harris County
Tiffany S.
Tiffany S.
Harris County
Tiffany S.
Harris County
I’m a 53 year old woman with several different sicknesses, diabetes with peripheral neuropathy which causes me to be on a Walker, Asthma, COPD, Ortho-arthiritis (in my bones) and the newest one, heart disease.
Kdee U.
Kdee U.
Harris County
Kdee U.
Harris County
When I arrived to Harris county Jail I never spoke to a mental health person regarding my medication management. I was thrown into a POD area with no controlling my mental decline. I attempted suicide by hanging which at that time I seen a doctor get me restarted on my meds. This happened after being without them for 2 months.
David R.
David R.
Harris County
David R.
Harris County
They don’t care. With all that’s going on with George Floyd and they’re still slamming people on the ground and throwing their knees on their backs.
Ronald W.
Ronald W.
Harris County
Ronald W.
Harris County
Monique O.
Monique O.
Harris County
Monique O.
Harris County
Frank P.
Frank P.
Eastland County
Frank P.
Eastland County
Today's epidemic has not registered with the jail. Upon requesting any assitance toward a cleaner and safer jail we are ridiculed.
Tanya C.
Tanya C.
Harris County
Tanya C.
Harris County
My biggest fear is that I will never be someone worthy to listen to. I believe if given the opportunity I could help others. Maybe one day I could tell my story to women who are as fearful, lonely and broken as I am to somehow together become whole, fulfilled and strong.
Jeremy S.
Jeremy S.
Dallas County
Jeremy S.
Dallas County
At this time, I’m being held so long it’s ridiculous, and maybe even unlawful! Definitely it is immoral and unethical! I am writing to you guys as a last option. I don’t know a lot about what you do.
Clyde C.
Clyde C.
Harris County
Clyde C.
Harris County
I was seeing and hearing that people were dying. A new person was dying every two weeks.
David J.
David J.
Harris County
David J.
Harris County
They only give one bottle of soap to wash our hand and our body and by me not having any money on by books I can’t get no hygiene to make sure I have my proper protection from the COVID-19 spread.
Garry B.
Garry B.
Eastland County
Garry B.
Eastland County
Please hear our pleas for help and don't let this ongoing problem continue.
Viktor A.
Viktor A.
Dallas County
Viktor A.
Dallas County
Carolyn K.
Carolyn K.
Harris County
Carolyn K.
Harris County
I hope this virus will come to an end because my family has been layed off from their jobs and unable to bond me out. I’m totally at the judge’s mercy on when I can get my freedom back and go home.
Robert P.
Robert P.
Harris County
Robert P.
Harris County
Charles J.
Charles J.
Harris County
Charles J.
Harris County
We’re packed in like sardines. There’s no social distancing. I’m eligible to get bonded out but my dad’s 80 years old and has diabetes so he’s scared to bond me out.
Lisa H.
Lisa H.
Harris County
Lisa H.
Harris County
Alex R.
Alex R.
Harris County
Alex R.
Harris County
It almost seems as if they are doing this on purpose to get us infected.
Byron T.
Byron T.
Taylor County
Byron T.
Taylor County
Since I’ve been here I’ve gotten sick and tested positive for COVID-19. In a 12 man pod and 4 tested negative and they left those 4 in the pod with us who were infected with no regards to their wellbeing.
Angel D.
Angel D.
Harris County
Angel D.
Harris County
I just turned 25. I’m going on a year in here. But I haven’t been to court in 11 months.
Taylor C.
Taylor C.
Denton County
Taylor C.
Denton County
Monika S.
Monika S.
Harris County
Monika S.
Harris County
I was scared for my life.
Peyton E.
Peyton E.
Eastland County
Peyton E.
Eastland County
Rodney E.
Rodney E.
Harris County
Rodney E.
Harris County
Mark H.
Mark H.
Harris County
Mark H.
Harris County
Thomas T.
Thomas T.
Harris County
Thomas T.
Harris County
Azanette A.
Azanette A.
Harris County
Azanette A.
Harris County
I haven’t been able to sleep. I have night terrors. I’ve been trying to get something for pain. They forgot to feed us the other day. The lack of attention we get.
Willie G.
Willie G.
Taylor County
Willie G.
Taylor County
Matthew T.
Matthew T.
Victoria County
Matthew T.
Victoria County
Please do what you can to bring attention to this issue.
Jonathan S.
Jonathan S.
Denton County
Jonathan S.
Denton County
Soap is not offered. They don't have much like that. And there's more complaints about food even. The inmates have found a hair, bone, bugs, extreme lack of giving actual amounts of food. It's like eating a snack.
Crystal H.
Crystal H.
Harris County
Crystal H.
Harris County
My mom passed away and it’s been really rough.
John B.
John B.
Harris County
John B.
Harris County
I am in need of a “Alpha Hybrid,” Prosthetic liner, for a below-the-Knee-Amputee. It needs to have a pin at the bottom because I have a lock-and-pin system. Medical Care here is extremely difficult to access.
Allen R.
Allen R.
Harris County
Allen R.
Harris County
I had another seizure and they were just flopping my head around and they dropped me on the ground. So, I was pretty banged up after that. They said they dropped me, I don't know, I was unconscious. But I was banged up, my whole body was real sore.
Josiah R.
Josiah R.
Harris County
Josiah R.
Harris County
I can’t even get to court to get my bail lowered so my family can pay for it. I’ve been quarantined 6 times. There is no way to social distance in jail. Right now I’m shoulder to shoulder with two others.
Taurus W.
Taurus W.
Harris County
Taurus W.
Harris County
Xavier D.
Xavier D.
Harris County
Xavier D.
Harris County
Mike V.
Mike V.
Victoria County
Mike V.
Victoria County
Mark S.
Mark S.
Harris County
Mark S.
Harris County
I have very limited resources. [I'm jailed for] possession of a controlled substance and a parole hold. I have been infected with the Harris county strain of coronavirus. I’ve been in jail 4 months with no indictment by the grand jury. So not only do I not have a way out, I'm stuck.
Stephanie A.
Stephanie A.
Harris County
Stephanie A.
Harris County
I’m always shaking, have anxiety and even find it hard to breath sometimes and still get no help.
David C.
David C.
Smith County
David C.
Smith County
Valencia J.
Valencia J.
Harris County
Valencia J.
Harris County
Michael M.
Michael M.
Harris County
Michael M.
Harris County
I’m a type one diabetic and I’m insulin dependent. Since being here my health and body has begun deteriorating. Now due to the coronavirus it has sped up the process. Just because we are inmates doesn't mean we should get neglected and treated as such. Everyone has a right to life, dignity, and justice.
Cedric W.
Cedric W.
Harris County
Cedric W.
Harris County
I never saw myself being in these conditions ever in my entire life. We are humans and make mistakes but right is right and wrong is wrong. I did no wrong to be treated this unfair by the Justice System. No way possible this is fair.
Qurtez G.
Qurtez G.
Harris County
Qurtez G.
Harris County
Elleunta B.
Elleunta B.
Harris County
Elleunta B.
Harris County
It’s taking a toll on me. I’ve never been through nothing like this in my life and I’m 45. The men in here, we have families and lives outside.
Christopher V.
Christopher V.
Victoria County
Christopher V.
Victoria County
Carolyn P.
Carolyn P.
Denton County
Carolyn P.
Denton County
Brian W.
Brian W.
Taylor County
Brian W.
Taylor County
Raymond A.
Raymond A.
Harris County
Raymond A.
Harris County
I am a 51 year old African American with high blood pressure, which means I am in the target group of the COVID-19 virus. My concern is dying in this jail.
Victor L.
Victor L.
Harris County
Victor L.
Harris County
Melvin J.
Melvin J.
Harris County
Melvin J.
Harris County
Andrew P.
Andrew P.
Harris County
Andrew P.
Harris County
David P.
David P.
Taylor County
David P.
Taylor County
Lisa M.
Lisa M.
Harris County
Lisa M.
Harris County
It gets so frustrating at the worst times in our lives to be seen but not heard. It feels as if they stripped away any/all rights from us as soon as we put on the county issued orange uniforms.
Larry L.
Larry L.
Harris County
Larry L.
Harris County
Joe C.
Joe C.
Harris County
Joe C.
Harris County
They moved me into a quarantine tank. I had never been tested. The people in there were sick. They just threw me in. That’s like playing with my health, playing with my life.
Douglas L.
Douglas L.
Harris County
Douglas L.
Harris County
My rights are being violated. I am indigent, I owe medical, I have no help. What can I do?